The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy 1:14
My husband and I planted three pots of calla lilies a couple of years ago. It was an impulse buy. I had no idea whether or not they were native to Missouri, would thrive in our mostly sun-filled environment, or if I would remember to go out and water them regularly. They were pretty, they were on sale, and I wanted them.
Imagine my surprise, then, when my husband came in one day after work the next Spring and said, "You've got a lily coming up". Indeed, I did--an astoundingly rich deep plum lily had fluted forth from the ground with no help at all from me. I marveled at its beauty. I'd never seen anything like it.
But then came the Drought. Everything dried up, including my beautiful lily. Our grass turned brown, weeds took over the garden, and I left it, not expecting anymore life to pop forth.
Looking at the lilies is a tangible reminder to me of God's grace. Even when we feel we're done, God's grace comes pouring in giving us new life, new meaning, new purpose, and new strength. God renews us over and over again. More than that, God's grace transforms us. We become a new creation. And, like my lilies, God makes us stronger and more plentiful in each passing season.
The calla lilies are indeed in bloom again. And as I watch them, I realize--so am I.
Blessings and Peace,
The peonies that I planted several years ago that I thought for sure would never bloom, actually did this spring and it was glorious if short lived.