Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Confession 242: A Special Guest

I'm so excited today to be hosting one of my favorite bloggers on my site. Cooking Up Faith is a beautiful blog full of wonderful thoughts on faith and some fabulous recipes to boot! After you read this post, go on over and look around at Cooking Up Faith. You'll definitely go back for more!!

Ever feel like you're one step away from falling deep into a pit? We often question every decision we've ever made, and the ones we are making even now.  

 We wonder if we've got this all together - work, parenting, as a child of God...are we doing enough...are getting it right?? 

A tightrope walker will usually be okay on the rope as long as she's balanced and looking straight ahead. 


But when she looks down her foot starts to slip, her legs wobble, and she's one second away from falling.

She falls, but a cushion below catches her, bounces her back up.

When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O Lord, supported me. 
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. 
Psalm 94:18-19

We fall daily. Not so much our failures. Though we have many in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation, no judgment, no punishment. 

It's our eyes that fall - away from God and on to ourselves.

Our feet start to slip, our legs wobble, and we are one second away from falling into a pit of despair, anxiety, depression, insecurities. 

Yet, His love is there, His Word is there. We open up our Bibles and our hearts call out to Him; and our cushion catches us.

And we bounce back up. 

One of the best things I've ever done for myself is buy this little book...

It is full of scriptures arranged by topic; such as prayer, motherhood, God's love, joy, strength, ect. 

I carry it around with me throughout the day. I even bring it with me in the car and read through it at stop lights. 

Being constantly in His Word is our constant source of hope and help in this fallen world. 

May our eyes not fall...may they be steady and balanced on Him. 

How gracious God will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.
Isaiah 30:19

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me be a guest on your blog! I love your openness and honesty on your blog - and the way you encourage us to keep on looking up to the Lord always!


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