Friday, September 2, 2011

Confession 201: Nonconformist

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.  
Romans 12:2

Having a very active imagination, my mind wanders a lot.  Often when I'm cleaning or driving or trying to fall asleep, I make up stories in my head--little movies I can watch while I'm busy doing other things.  Had I written them all down over the years, I would have filled hundreds of books! :-)  When I'm not making up stories I will probably never write, I am thinking about ways to expand my business or running through a to-do list or worrying about the kids, Chris or money.  I'm not sure I would call any of the above renewing my mind.

Too often, I ask God for help, advice, guidance and direction, yet I do not clear my mind of other things to allow God's help, advice, guidance and direction to come through.  Romans 12:2 tells us that it is in the renewing of our minds that we will be able to discern God's will.  Yet, how do we renew our minds?

First, I think we have to clear them.  We have to stop thinking and daydreaming and worrying and allow stillness to permeate our being.

Next, when our minds are clear and still, we need to go to God's Word.  We need to pour over Scripture, letting the words imprint themselves on our newly cleared minds.  We need to soak in the Word of God, whether a chapter or two or just one verse.

Then, we need to ponder.  We need to re-read our Scripture passage or verse.  We need to read the commentaries about it, gather information around it, think about what it means in our own lives.  We need to ask God for clarity about his Word.

Finally, we need to pay attention to Scripture lived out in our lives.  Where is our passage meeting us throughout the day?  Where are we living out the Word we have received?  How is God illuminating it for us throughout our day?

It is then that we will be able to experience the renewing of our minds that will allow us to test and approve God's good, pleasing and perfect will.

Blessings and Peace,


  1. what a great reminder - and important for me to read, since I am struggling with my Bible readinsgs right now!

  2. Hmmmm, great topic for a woman's devotional book, if you ask me. Ahem.

    Hope your weekend was good, friend.


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