Friday, February 19, 2010

Confession 81: Early Morning Wake-Up Call

Ugh. That's about all I've got this morning. That and jeans that still are a bit too tight because I can't seem to stop shoveling fatty foods into my mouth. It was a McDonald's morning this morning, after a rice crispy treat with M&M's. But, considering the fact that I was up at 3:30 A.M. and the fact that we need to make a Sam's/Evil Empire run, it seemed to be the most appropriate thing to do.

I love my children, I really do. They're each a unique little blessing from God. And I have high hopes for them. I pray every day that they will grow into Godly men. But, sometimes.... well, let's just say that blessings can be mixed! :-) It's my fault, really, that the youngest hasn't been sleeping well lately. He's a total "Mama's Boy" and Mama has been gone overnight twice in the past three weeks. So, he's a bit clingy. And I really don't mind cuddling with him some at night, although I definitely prefer cuddling with my hubby, but I have to draw the line at being up, and I mean up at 3:30 A.M. Not only was the little stinker roarin and ready to go, he was bound and determined that Mama wasn't going to sleep anymore either. At one point, the entire family was awake. That's when Up went into the DVD player and Mama ran for the shower. I have to admit, it wasn't hard shutting the door to Stephen's cries of "Maaamaaa" as I left for work this morning. And, as is typical, once Mama is out of sight, she's out of mind. He was quietly cuddling with Daddy by the time his brother and I pulled out of the garage.

Now, I'm a zombie, and I'm covering AP Lit for a fellow English teacher today. Heaven help us all!

Blessings and Peace,

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