Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Confession 37: Behold the Power of the "Chi"

I have never been a "girly-girl". I played around with eye shadow in eighth grade, wore lipstick on and off through high school, and had a disastrous perm experience that left me with "Cher-hair" (seriously) in middle school. But other than that, I've prided myself on being a blow-dry and go girl. No make-up, just good ole face wash and moisturizer. No fuss, no muss. So, it's a surprise to me as I've gotten older that my appearance has become more important to me. It started with nail polish after college. Then, when I could afford it, I fell in love with highlights in my mid-twenties as my hair became more salt and peppered. But the biggest leap has come now that I'm into my thirties. I have discovered the power of the "Chi".

It all started when I spent a few days with my sister in Kansas City. If I am a no fuss, no muss girl, my little sister is all fuss, all muss. She is meticulous with her hair and make-up, taking as long as necessary to get her hair just right before she leaves the house. She has all sorts of hair products, one of which happens to be a Chi hair straightener. I had some time when I was visiting her (she was taking care of my sons) so I decided to have some fun and give the Chi a try. That was all it took. I was smitten. You see, although my hair has always had lots of body, it's never been curly. After the "Cher-hair" disaster and another average perm, I realized my dream of cascading spirals was never going to materialize. And so, I let it go, never realizing that there might be another option. I never thought my hair might be straight.

The moral of all of this is that maybe we each have a little bit of girly-girl in us after all. And although I spend more time on my hair than I ever have before, it's only a matter of minutes. Maybe it's vanity, or just a repressed need to try and slow the aging process, but it makes me happy every day to plug in my Chi.

Thank you to my wonderful hubby by the way for bringing the Chi permanently into my life:)

Blessings and Peace,

1 comment:

  1. I love the chi too! But it was too expensive - so I bought a cheapo at Pamida!!!


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